Clarification of April 28, 2020 Notice to the Bar regarding Electronic Discovery
This will serve as a clarification of the April 28, 2020 Notice to the Bar regarding Electronic Discovery. As to the last paragraph of the notice, the Jail will confirm with Division Manager Darcy that the Defendant has received the discovery.
Modification of APRIL 29, 2020 Notice to the Bar Regarding Attorney Video Visitation
This will serve as a modification of the April 29, 2020 Notice to the Bar Regarding Attorney Video Visitation. There has been a change in personnel. Attorneys will make a request for dates and times beginning Monday, May 4, 2020 for a video conference through the Bergen County Jail Law Library by emailing Ms. Jenith Velez at rather than Ms. Keisha McLean. This request should include the attorney’s preference for time slots, between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., seven (7) days a week.
Clarification and Modification Notice to the Bar.pdf