Written by Theodore M. David, Chair, Tax Law Committee

Current Items:

1) CLE Sting?
2) Tax by the Numbers

1) Scott Joplin was born November 24, 1860, in Linden, Texas, and died on April 1, 1917, at age 48, in New York City. He was the son of a slave. He is remembered as an American composer and pianist. He was called the “King of Ragtime” and composed more than 40 ragtime pieces, one ballet and two operas. One of his first and most famous written in 1899 was called the Maple Leaf Rag. Joplin considered Ragtime to be a form of classical music meant to be played in concert halls, but it found its way to honky tonks and smoky bars as well.

Some say his death in 1917 marked the end of the ragtime era. If I could hum a few bars of the Maple Leaf Rag to you right now you would immediately recognize it unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 50 or 60 years. Many people rediscovered Joplin’s music in the early 1970s when Robert Redford and Paul Newman starred in a classic “revenge” movie called “The Sting”. Now, I am sure lawyers who are reading this get daily notices of CLE seminars on every imaginable topic. I saw one the other day on dog law.

But I suggest that you put this bulletin down right at this moment, stop reading, and watch The Sting. This is especially true if you happen to be involved in criminal defense work. More so if you are advising a certain person about a sentencing to occur on July 11, 2024. The movie is set in 1936. Redford and Newman are professional grifters. They are looking to revenge a mob killing of a friend. The movie was inspired by the true life brothers Fred and Charlie Gondorff and the 1940s book called “The Big Con.” In the movie, an elaborate plot is contrived to fool Robert Shaw as Doyle Lonnegan, the mobster; yes, Shaw is the same guy from “Jaws” who didn’t do well there either. Very cautiously, Newman, as the older and wiser Henry Gondorff, councils Robert Redford, the young Johnny Hooker, that they must take their time in erecting an elaborate horse racing betting parlor.

Throughout the movie, Scott Joplin’s masterpieces are played in the background, including the Entertainer, which became a worldwide sensation. That’s another one you will know instantly from the first two notes. As the plot unwinds Redford gets more impatient all the time. Near busting, he turns to Newman and utters these words: “Why are we waiting? Those guys are not that smart,” referring to Shaw and his henchmen. Newman responds with the blockbuster: “Neither are we”.

This year, July 4 and July 11 are days that will be remembered. One will celebrate the birth of the United States, and the other the sentencing of a felon who used to be president of the United States. I’m not taking sides here, but from my work in criminal tax cases, after a conviction, the defendant has to take responsibility for his actions and show some remorse. Promising revenge, unless you happen to be Robert Redford or Paul Newman, will not work. Defense lawyers must get control of their clients. People do tend to make up stories that they may eventually actually believe. Others care little for the truth and deserve all that comes their way. Newman taught Redford to never insult the opposition, their intelligence or preparation, and to never refer to them as “thugs”.

The Sting was nominated for 10 and won 7 Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Screenplay. In 2005, the movie was preserved in the United States National Film Registry, being culturally historic and significant. In 1976, Scott Joplin was awarded a Pulitzer Prize posthumously for his ragtime compositions. The Sting should be allowed as CLE credit for lawyers as well.

2) To legitimize this bulletin as tax-related, I note the Social Security annual wage base for 2024 is $168,600. That’s an $8400 increase. The Social Security tax rate on employers and employees remains at 6.2%, and both pay the 1.45% Medicare tax on all compensation with no upper limit. The standard deduction for married couples is $29,200 and single taxpayers $14,600. The tax rates remain unchanged, but the brackets themselves are wider for 2024 due to inflation during the 2023 fiscal year. There, done. Now go watch the Sting.

Questions or Comments should be sent to: Theodore M. David, Chairman at [email protected]