Written by: Theodore M. David, Chair, Tax Law Committee

Current Items:

  1. A Plea for Monica McGinley
  2. See the Drones in Your Hood                                                                      

1. Chances are you have never heard of Monica McGinley. The poor woman is an unfortunate soon-to-be tax felon. She was recently indicted for tax fraud and theft of government funds by a Grand Jury sitting in Greenbelt, Maryland. According to the indictment McGinley assisted with the preparation and filing of false tax returns so that she could receive large refunds from the IRS to which she was not entitled from 2014 to 2024.

McGinley allegedly claimed nonexistent payments or withholdings and requested nearly $12 million in refunds. The IRS issued refunds to McGinley totaling over $1.5 million. In one example, she received a U.S. Treasury check for over $1 million. McGinley, the poor girl, faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison for the theft of government funds and a maximum penalty of three years in prison for each of the six counts of aiding and assisting in the preparation of false tax returns. Now is that any way to treat a misguided, otherwise honest, and incredibly cunning taxpayer during the holiday season? The other day, Pres. Biden commuted the sentences for 37 out of 40 federal inmates on death row, converting them to life in prison without parole before he hands over power to President-elect Trump on January 20. These folks will be getting a break in true Christmas spirit. The fact that they are all convicted murderers, rapists and kidnappers is beside the point. Biden has for years sought the elimination of the federal death penalty. He wanted to move to commute these folks so that incoming Pres. Trump who has vowed to restore a speedy return to federal executions could not have his way. Biden said that “In good conscience I cannot stand back and let a new administration resume executions that I halted.” Earlier this month, Biden commuted the sentences of nearly 1500 people and pardoned 39 more convicted of nonviolent crimes, and of course, his son Hunter walked away from a guilty plea to tax violations and firearms-related charges. But where does that leave poor Monica? Did the IRS really send her a million-dollar check? Monica obviously knows the ins and outs of dealing with the IRS. Perhaps Trump can both pardon her and name her new Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service.

2. Here in New Jersey and in a bunch of states across the country, people have been straining their eyes looking for drones. Of course the federal government has said all of the sightings except for a hundred or so have been determined to be not credible. Years ago, I bought a pair of Sears binoculars for $20 at a local garage sale. The other night I declared a “Drone-athon” in my neighborhood. Ten people showed up. Within minutes, around 9 PM, it was clear to me and the group that at least two of these drones were flying high and nearby. They were flashing red and green. If you download an app called flightradar24 it can tell you where all the planes and helicopters are in your area. These were not planes or helicopters.

So I state unequivocally that you are not losing your marbles if you think you have been seeing drones. But what are they up to? The list of theories is getting longer by the day. Some are confident they are searching for lost nuclear bombs. Others that it is an attempt by Amazon to demonstrate its ability to deliver really big car sized packages. Some believe it is part of the Trump deportation promise using a claw like device he once saw at Seaside Heights to remove millions of illegal aliens. My favorite is that it is part of the inauguration spectacle planned for January 20 which will spell out MAGA in huge letters country wide. Not sure about that one as a slight glitch could turn it into an embarrassing MAGGOT. And of course it could be the Russians just having some fun. But here and now is my own theory. The IRS recently announced that it will be sending $1400 to taxpayers who were eligible for the Recovery Rebate Credit even though they never claimed it on their tax returns. These payments will be made either by direct deposit or sent by paper check. Eligible taxpayers will receive a separate letter notifying them of the payment. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue said “these payments are an example of our commitment to go the extra mile (That’s the hint) for taxpayers.” At least 1 million taxpayers overlooked claiming this complex credit when they were actually eligible. Now the drones make sense. I forecast in the next few weeks correspondence from the Internal Revenue Service with attached paper checks $1400 each will be drifting down from drones in your neighborhood. Keep a watchful eye. Credit should go to Shadow President Elon Musk for coming up with this novel high tech idea. It’s hard to state but if the checks don’t come this way, then the drones are in fact from an alien source like in “War of the Worlds” the 1953 film. A great holiday classic to watch with the entire family. Oh yes, the Red and Green lights are an alien attempt to communicate their message: We are here to “Stop (Red) you from Going (Green)” just like in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” the film from 1972. Please forgive me for “droning” on. I just couldn’t resist.

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