September 4, 2019
Unscheduled Closings and Delayed Openings for the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Tax Court, County Courthouses, and the Administrative Office of the Courts

Decisions to close or delay openings are made separately for each courthouse and are based on local weather conditions. Delayed openings sometimes become closings, and sometimes courthouses close early if the weather warrants. For these updates, follow the courts on Twitter, sign up for text messages, or go to The New Jersey Judiciary website at NJCOURTS.GOV

On the bottom of the NJCOURTS.GOV webpage are a number of icons that you may select to obtain court information from a variety of social media sources such as Twitter and Rave alerts. The best method to receive immediate unscheduled closing information is to sign up for Rave text messages.

For Municipal Courts, please check with your local municipal court for closing information. Below are two the links to use for the municipal courts State Court Closing Information or Municipal Court Information

We are happy to report that the Bergen County Justice Center main cafeteria located on the First Floor in the new agency building at 2 Bergen County Plaza is now open under new management. The hours of operation for the new cafeteria are 7:30am to 3:00pm Monday through Friday. The Courthouse cafeteria located on the Third Floor will reopen the week of September 23rd.

Beverage vending machines are now operational and are located on the First Floor of the courthouse opposite the Hudson Street Entrance.

Notice to the Bar from Hon. Bonnie J. Mizdol, AJSC and Hon. Peter J. Melchionne, PJFP calling for attorneys to volunteers pro-bono services and to follow-up with Judge Melchionne.

The Family Division of the Superior Court, Bergen County, is seeking pro-bono volunteer attorneys to represent indigent clients before the Office of Administrative Law.

The assignment entails representation of indigent parents or guardians substantiated for child abuse, challenging the substantiation finding Volunteers are sought to serve without compensation as appointed counsel. While this is currently not a Madden category, the AOC may, in the future, allow Madden credits for this service.

If you are interested, please respond to Theresa Schneck, Secretary to the Honorable Peter J. Melchionne, Presiding Judge of the Family Part, by September 15, 2019.

This year’s Diversity in the Profession Award recipient is recently retired, long-time Teaneck Municipal Court Judge, James E. Young, JMC. Judge Young has served as a Municipal Court Judge for more than 30 years. Approximately 200 friends, family, and colleagues joined to celebrate Judge Young’s career and contributions promoting diversity within the legal profession. Read More

On March 21st, the Bergen County Bar Association hosted our 120th Annual Meeting & Beefsteak Dinner. At this annual celebration, the Bergen County Bar Association congratulated our outgoing Association President Thomas Loikith for his years of dedication and service as President, and welcomed our incoming President, Andrew J. Cevasco  for his coming year of service.
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On Monday, February 25th at the Bergen County Courthouse, the Bergen County Bar Association, the Bergen County Bar Foundation, and The Record sponsored a free Community Legal Education Seminar open to the general public and legal community. Key-note speaker, Scott H. Novak, Esq., BCBA’s Tax Law Committee Co-Chair (Pictured on the Bottom), presented information on the recently enacted federal tax law. Th Association and Foundation plan to sponsor additional Community Legal Education Programs  for both the public and practicing attorneys throughout the year.