Effective April 1, 2023, the Judicial assignments are as follows:
PRE-JUDGMENT- Dissolution (FM) Motions & Trials
Docket Nos.
01-100 Darren T. DiBiasi, J.S.C.
POST-JUDGMENT – Dissolution (FM) Motions & Plenary Hearings
Docket Nos.
01-05 Jane Gallina-Mecca, J.S.C.
06-10 Darren T. DiBiasi, J.S.C.
11-35 Magali M. Francois, J.S.C.
36-60 Jaclyn Medina, J.S.C.
61-80 Michael Antoniewicz, J.S.C.
81-100. Amy E. Lefkowitz, J.S.C.
Due to the high number of judicial vacancies, the Bar is encouraged to exhaust all methods of alternate dispute resolution prior to filing an application in the FM docket. The vacancies, coupled with the high volume of filings, have also necessitated the Court to run on a delayed motion schedule. Judges Melchionne and Guida will be handling ISCs and Judge Janeczko will be handling defaults and domestic violence trials until the end of May.
In addition, the following matters will be heard by:
Judge Gallina-Mecca – Non-Dissolution, Children in Court, FC Summary Hearings
Judge Francois – Juvenile, Domestic Violence, Summary Immigrant Juvenile, Children in Court
Judge Medina -Non-Dissolution, Summary Immigrant Juvenile, Child Support Enforcement
Judge Antoniewicz -Domestic Violence, Termination of Parental Rights, Weapons
Judge Lefkowitz – Domestic Violence, Contempts
/s/ Peter J. Melchionne, P.J.F.P.