The New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) Working Group on Jury Selection has formally submitted its interim report to the New Jersey Supreme Court’s Judicial Conference on Jury Selection that will be conducted on November 10th and November 12th.  The report reflects the collective wisdom, analysis, and extensive experience in the courtroom and in thought leadership in the New Jersey Legal Community. See below to read the report in its entirety.

The Bergen County Bar Association ( BCBA) leadership has made significant contributions to the interim report and we will continue to support the NJSBA and our allies in preserving peremptory challenges and proposing meaningful reform to the jury selection process to eliminate or substantially reduce the impact of implicit and explicit bias in selecting a fair and impartial jury from a fair cross-section of the community.  

The filing of this interim report is just the beginning of our joint efforts to reform the jury selection process and, if any member wishes to share an experience during jury selection where explicit or implicit bias affected the jury selection process, please share your experience with the BCBA and we will consider how that experience may be helpful in demonstrating the needs for historic reforms in New Jersey’s jury selection procedures.

Members of the BCBA and the public are invited to attend the virtual Judicial Conference. Information can be found by clicking here.

To pre-register (which is encouraged), please click here

Jury Selection Interim Report – Final Version


Pursuant to Rule 1:40-12(c), all individuals wishing to serve as arbitrators in the court-annexed civil arbitration program must complete at least three classroom hours of initial training in a course approved by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). To remain eligible for continued inclusion on the roster, arbitrators must complete two hours of training after the first two years, and two additional hours of training during each subsequent four-year period. Read More

The July 14,2021, Order of the Supreme Court requires the use of a new Landlord Case Information Statement (LCIS) and Tenant Case Information Statement (TCIS). The LCIS and TCIS are to be filed in all pending and newly filed cases. Attorneys are instructed to file the LCIS or TCIS in eCourts. Self-represented landlords and tenants must file the LCIS or TCIS in JEDS.

The LCIS and TCIS must be filed with the Court five (5) days prior to mandatory case management conference or any other scheduled Court proceeding, whichever comes first. To ensure your case is not delayed, please be sure to timely file the LCIS or TCIS as required. Please be guided accordingly.

/S/ John D. O’Dwyer P.J.Cv.

Click below to see the attached notice and Supreme Court order, both dated August 9, in furtherance of implementation L. 2021, c. 188.   The order relaxes a number of court rules  As stated in the Court’s order, that legislation provides a number of remedies for residential landlords and tenants affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including requiring that for certain cases, courts “must (1) dismiss a complaint upon receipt of a certification of a tenant; and (2) permit a landlord to pursue collection of unpaid rent beyond standard Special Civil Part (DC) jurisdictional limits.”  The rule relaxations are effective immediately.


Notice – Landlord Tenant – Implementation of L. 2021 c. 188 – Rule Relaxations and Temporary Measures – 08-09-21 – as signed – w links

Order – Landlord Tenant and COVID-19 – Rule Relaxations – Implementation of L 2021, c 188 – as signed – 08-09-21

The Supreme Court in its July 14, 2021 Orders and Administrative
Determinations established a new process for residential landlord tenant cases, to
be effective September 1, 2021. In its action on the Report and Recommendations
of the Judiciary Special Committee on Landlord Tenant, the Court set forth a series
of interrelated reforms, including new pleadings, revised processes, and a
conference before the trial date.

This notice invites attorneys and others to attend a training session on the
reforms to the residential landlord tenant court process. Read More

State Court Locations Fully Open as of August 2, 2021

All state court locations will reopen to the public as of August 2, 2021, thus concluding the temporary restrictions on public access to the courthouses implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of that August 2, 2021 date, individuals may be present in court locations regardless of their involvement in a scheduled court proceeding and without the need for an appointment.

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The Supreme Court has authorized mandatory settlement conferences in residential landlord tenant matters. This interim step is effective immediately pending further Court action on the Report and Recommendations of the Judiciary Special Committee on Landlord Tenant (“Special Committee”).

All vicinages will schedule mandatory settlement conferences for pending landlord tenant cases. As set forth in the Court’s attached July 1, 2021 Order, priority will be given to the nearly 14,000 landlord tenant cases that have been pending for more than one year or in which more than 12 months of rent is claimed to be due.

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COVID-19 trends throughout New Jersey are improving, as reflected in the latest COVID-19 Activity Level Index (CALI) report posted by the New Jersey Department of Health (NJ DOH). Appropriate public health precautions still remain important, however, especially in indoor locations where individuals are summoned to be present as compared to other public and private places that they choose to visit.

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The Supreme Court has authorized the establishment of a statewide Landlord Tenant Legal Specialist program, as recommended by the Judiciary Special Committee on Landlord Tenant (“Special Committee”). This new program will support the review and administrative processing of landlord tenant actions, including the more than 55,500 pending eviction cases and 194,000 cases expected to be filed after the expiration of the moratorium on residential evictions. The Court’s June 3, 2021 Order is attached.

The remainder of the recommendations of the Special Committee – and the public comments and oral testimony on those recommendations – continue to be under consideration by the Court.

Questions about landlord tenant actions should be directed to the Civil Practice Division of the Administrative Office of the Courts at (609) 815-2900 x54900. Questions about recruitment for landlord tenant legal specialist positions should be directed to the Human Resources Division of the Administrative Office of the Courts at (609) 815-2900 option 5.

/s/ Hon. Glenn A. Grant, J.A.D.

Acting Administrative Director of the Courts

Dated: June 4, 2021

NOTICE: Landlord:Tenant – Establishment of Statewide Landlord:Tenant Legal Specialist Program.pdf

Pursuant to Rule 1:40-12(c), all individuals wishing to serve as arbitrators in the court-annexed civil arbitration program must complete at three classroom hours of initial training in a course approved by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). To remain eligible for continued inclusion on the roster, arbitrators must complete two hours of training after the first two years, and two additional hours of training during each subsequent four-year period. This Notice is to advise that the initial arbitrator training course will be offered via webinar on Wednesday, June 30, 2021.

This training will provide instruction on applicable statutes, court rules and administrative directives and policies; standards of conduct; and procedures for conducting arbitrations. The initial training is intended for those individuals who meet the qualifications set forth in Rule 4:21A-2(b) for admission to the roster of arbitrators.

Individuals seeking to attend the initial arbitrator training must register in advance by contacting Kelsey Austin at

Any questions regarding this Notice or the Civil Arbitration Program may be directed to Melissa Czartoryski, Chief, Civil Court Programs, Administrative Office of the Courts, Hughes Justice Complex, P.O. Box 981, Trenton, NJ 08625; telephone (609) 815-2900 ext. 54900; email:

/s/ Hon. Glenn A. Grant, J.A.D.

Acting Administrative Director of the Courts

Dated: June 2, 2021

Notice Civil Arbitration Program.pdf