The Supreme Court in the attached October 24, 2022 Order has concluded the temporary suspension of the requirement to submit paper “courtesy copies” to the judge in Civil and Family matters. Accordingly, effective January 1, 2023, attorneys must send paper copies to the judge as required by Rule 1:6-4 (“Superior Court; Place for Filing Motions, Orders to Show Cause and Orders”).

Questions on the Court’s Order may be directed to the Civil Practice Division at (609) 815-2900 X54900 or the Family Practice Division at (609) 815-2900 x55350.

/s/ Glenn A. Grant

Administrative Director of the Courts

Dated: October 25, 2022

Notice – Civil and Family – Resumption of Courtesy Copy Requirement as of January 1, 2023 – Notice Dated 10-25-22

Order – Rescinding Temporary Suspension of Courtesy Copy Requirement – Dated 10-24-22 – Effective 01-01-23

As of November 1, 2022, the standard hourly fee in guardianship matters for court appointed counsel shall increase to $275.00 per hour.

In matters in which individuals have greater financial resources, Chancery Judges shall consider augmenting that hourly amount.

For those individuals who have contributed their time and energies at a reduced rate, your efforts and generosity are recognized and appreciated.

/s/ Hon. Bonnie J. Mizdol, A.J.S.C.
Dated: October 21, 2022

Notice to the Bar – Guardianship Matters

The Judiciary in October 2021 announced the creation of a new eCourts user access role for attorneys’ staff using an independent user ID; see the October 1, 2021 Notice. Initially limited to Criminal eCourts, this user access role for attorneys’ staff was expanded in March 2022 to also include eCourts for Civil Law, General Equity, Special Civil Part, and Tax Court, as well as the eCourts Expungement System; see the March 24, 2022 Notice. This notice is to advise that this user access role for attorneys’ staff is being further expanded to eCourts Family effective September 30, 2022.

To acquire this user access, attorneys’ staff must first register via the Judiciary website at the self-registration portal. Once registered, the attorneys’ staff person must provide that new user ID to the attorney so that the attorney can associate the staff person’s account to the attorney’s bar ID. Once that has been done, the attorneys’ staff may electronically file documents, view the case jacket, and save and print documents using their user access without the need to use the attorney’s credentials.

Questions regarding this notice may be directed to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office at or 609-421-6100.

/s/ Glenn A. Grant,

Administrative Director of the Courts

September 29, 2022

Notice – User Access Role in eCourts for Attorneys’ Staff Expanded to eCourts Family – as signed – 09-29-22


Early Disposition Court (EDC) is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Bergen County.  During the pandemic, we have continued to make this pre-indictment court a priority and carved out new protocols to effectuate case dispositions in a virtual manner.  With the elimination of social distancing, it has been determined that a return to in-person proceedings is now warranted.  Effective OCTOBER 3, 2022, all appearances from stakeholders and litigants will be required to be in person for both sessions (Tuesdays and Thursdays).

EDC Supplemental Information

This is a supplement and modification to the previously submitted announcement regarding EDC.  Effective 10/3/2022, ALL defendants, including those that are detained in the Bergen County Jail, will be present for their court appearances in EDC on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

In response to updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), social distancing and masks will no longer be required for jury proceedings in New Jersey courtrooms.

The changes, announced in an order signed today by Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, go into effect Sept. 1. The order makes clear that face masks are still permitted in jury proceedings but not required. It also continues the process for all jurors to report virtually at first while providing trial judges the discretion to continue juror voir dire virtually or in person. Read More

Condemnation Commissioners

The Court is seeking to recruit attorneys who may be interested in serving as Condemnation Commissioners.  Judge Mizdol asks that anyone interested in a potential appointment, please send a letter of interest along with a resume directly to her chambers.

N.J.S.A. 20:3-12 governs the Appointment of Commissioners.

Commissioners shall be residents of the county in which any part of the property being condemned is located or, in the case of the commissioner who must be an attorney, be actively engaged in the practice of law in the county.







Effective September 6, 2022, the Judicial assignments are as follows:

Dissolution (FM) Motions and Trials/ Post-Judgment – Motions and Plenary Hearings

Pre- Post-
Docket Nos. JUDGE Docket Nos.
01-25 Peter J. Melchionne, P.J.F.P. 01-05 Peter J. Melchionne, P.J.F.P.
26-55 James J. Guida, J.S.C. 06-10 James J. Guida, J.S.C.
56-70 Jane Gallina-Mecca, J.S.C. 11-15 Darren T. DiBiasi, J.S.C.
71-00 Darren T. DiBiasi, J.S.C. 16-25 Jane Gallina-Mecca, J.S.C.
26-40 Magali M. Francois, J.S.C.
41-55 Jaclyn Medina, J.S.C.
56-70 Mark T. Janeczko, J.S.C.
71-85 Nina C. Remson, J.S.C.
86-00 Michael Antoniewicz, J.S.C.

In addition, the Judges will hear the following matters:

Judge Francois (Room 152) Juvenile; Children in Court, Domestic Violence and Special Immigrant Juvenile matters Judge Janeczko (Room 108) Domestic Violence; Weapons Forfeiture
Judge Mecca (Room 336) Children in Court
Judge Medina (Room 338) Non-Dissolution and Special Immigrant Juvenile matters Judge Remson (Room 354) Non-Dissolution; Contempt
Judge Antoniewicz (Room 317) Domestic Violence; Children in Court Judge Mizdol, AJ (Room 426) Children in Court FC Summary Hearings

Read More

District Ethics Committee members serve at the pleasure of the Supreme Court for a four-year term (and are eligible for re-appointment to one additional consecutive four-year term). Interested candidates should forward a cover letter and resume to the chambers of the Honorable Bonnie J. Mizdol, A.C.S.J.

Please click below to read a summary of duties, terms, time commitment, and appointment process.

District Ethics Committee Candidates




The Supreme Court earlier extended the filing deadlines for certain tax matters in light of the COVID-19 emergency. The extension of deadlines for local property appeals has already concluded. The Court in the attached April 14, 2022 Order has concluded the COVID-19-related extensions of deadlines with regard to state tax appeals as of May 1, 2022 

Questions on this notice should be directed to Tax Court Clerk/Administrator Cheryl Ryan at (609) 815-2922, Option 1 or extension 54650. 

/s/ Glenn A. Grant 

Administrative Director of the Courts 

Dated: April 14, 2022 


In light of the public health emergency arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Supreme Court extended certain deadlines with regard to local property tax appeals and state tax appeals. The Court in its March 19, 2020 Order and subsequent orders extended such deadlines to the later of May 1, 2020 or 30 days following the conclusion of the State of Emergency declared under Executive Order 103. The Court cited as the basis for those extensions the COVID-19-related disruptions that prevented corporate and residential taxpayers from meeting filing deadlines in property tax appeals before the County Boards of Taxation and the New Jersey Tax Court. L. 2020, c. 35 concluded the extension of deadlines for local property tax appeals but did not address state tax matters. 

The circumstances that prompted the Court to extend filing deadlines have abated. Pursuant to Executive Order 244 (June 4, 2021) and Executive Order 292 (March 4, 2022), the COVID-19 public health emergency has concluded. Pandemic-related barriers no longer prevent New Jersey taxpayers from meeting filing deadlines. 

Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED that effective immediately and until further order:

  1. The COVID-19-related extensions of deadlines with regard to state tax appeals are concluded as of May 1, 2022. 
  2. This Order supersedes any inconsistent provisions of the Court’s COVID-19 Omnibus and other Orders, including its March 19, 2020, April 6, 2020, and April 21, 2020 Orders.

For the Court, 

/s/ Stuart Rabner

Chief Justice 

Dated: April 14, 2022