As of March 1, 2023, all mandatory Civil Arbitrations in the Bergen County Vicinage will be conducted In-Person at the Bergen County Courthouse. The provisions of Rule 4:21A-4 as to appearance at Arbitration will be in effect.
Please alert colleagues as to this change and requirement.

Written by Theodore M. David, Chair

Tax Law Committee


Current Items:                                                             

  • Wordle?
  • Go Appeals
  • Uncle Sam Wants You                                                                    

1). I’m sure you remember the Donna Reed Show or Father Knows Best or, how can I leave out, Leave It to Beaver. Whenever there was an episode that opened up at breakfast, there was Dad buried in his daily newspaper, oblivious to his surroundings, while mom, in her apron, flitted around the kitchen getting a cholesterol-filled breakfast ready for the kiddies. These days of course, newspapers are only used to line birdcages. In reality, most everyone is now buried in their screens from the moment their eyes open until they close later in the evening. Most of what is being watched, in my humble estimation, doesn’t amount to much. Don’t get me wrong — I think it is important that you know exactly where your friends had dinner and what they thought of that restaurant newly opened down the block. And let’s not forget all those pictures of happy couples on vacation, making it look like they are having the time of their lives. But now there is a new game in town, and it is called Wordle. Read More

The Office of Attorney Ethics welcomes applicants to apply for appointments by the New Jersey Supreme Court to the District Ethics and Fee Arbitration Committees. Please submit application materials directly to the Office of Attorney Ethics for appointment for the four-year term to begin on September 1 of the upcoming year.  Click below for more information.

Ethics and Fee Arbitration Committees

The Supreme Court in the attached October 24, 2022 Order has concluded the temporary suspension of the requirement to submit paper “courtesy copies” to the judge in Civil and Family matters. Accordingly, effective January 1, 2023, attorneys must send paper copies to the judge as required by Rule 1:6-4 (“Superior Court; Place for Filing Motions, Orders to Show Cause and Orders”).

Questions on the Court’s Order may be directed to the Civil Practice Division at (609) 815-2900 X54900 or the Family Practice Division at (609) 815-2900 x55350.

/s/ Glenn A. Grant

Administrative Director of the Courts

Dated: October 25, 2022

Notice – Civil and Family – Resumption of Courtesy Copy Requirement as of January 1, 2023 – Notice Dated 10-25-22

Order – Rescinding Temporary Suspension of Courtesy Copy Requirement – Dated 10-24-22 – Effective 01-01-23

 A request has been made by the Honorable Michael R. Dressler, Bergen County Surrogate to establish a list of those attorneys who would be willing to serve as the administrator of an Estate where the decedent died without next of kin. Where the Estate has little or no assets, the administration would be pro bono and would fulfill the pro bono requirement for attorneys in the State of New Jersey. Where the Estate has substantial assets, the administrator would be able to collect statutory commissions and legal fees as permitted by N.J.S.A. 3B:18-6. The Surrogate requests that any attorney interested in serving should communicate by either letter or email to be accompanied by their resume. The email address is 

We thank you for your service to the Bar Association and to the Bergen County Surrogate’s Court. 


The Supreme Court has updated the framework for court operations to allow more in-person proceedings. The Court’s attached October 27, 2022 Order, which is effective immediately, supersedes its November 18, 2021 Order.

Special Civil Part trials and most Family matters will be in person. Effective March 1, 2023, initial hearings for involuntary civil commitments will also be in person. Routine conferences and motions will continue to be virtual.

Questions may be directed to the Office of the Administrative Director at (609) 376-3000.

/s/ Glenn A. Grant, Administrative Director of the Courts
Dated: October 27, 2022

Notice – Future of Court Operations 2.0 – w Order dated and effective immediately – notice dated 10-27-22 – w link

Order – Future of Court Operations 2.0 – as signed – dated and effective 10-27-22

As of November 1, 2022, the standard hourly fee in guardianship matters for court appointed counsel shall increase to $275.00 per hour.

In matters in which individuals have greater financial resources, Chancery Judges shall consider augmenting that hourly amount.

For those individuals who have contributed their time and energies at a reduced rate, your efforts and generosity are recognized and appreciated.

/s/ Hon. Bonnie J. Mizdol, A.J.S.C.
Dated: October 21, 2022

Notice to the Bar – Guardianship Matters

The Judiciary in October 2021 announced the creation of a new eCourts user access role for attorneys’ staff using an independent user ID; see the October 1, 2021 Notice. Initially limited to Criminal eCourts, this user access role for attorneys’ staff was expanded in March 2022 to also include eCourts for Civil Law, General Equity, Special Civil Part, and Tax Court, as well as the eCourts Expungement System; see the March 24, 2022 Notice. This notice is to advise that this user access role for attorneys’ staff is being further expanded to eCourts Family effective September 30, 2022.

To acquire this user access, attorneys’ staff must first register via the Judiciary website at the self-registration portal. Once registered, the attorneys’ staff person must provide that new user ID to the attorney so that the attorney can associate the staff person’s account to the attorney’s bar ID. Once that has been done, the attorneys’ staff may electronically file documents, view the case jacket, and save and print documents using their user access without the need to use the attorney’s credentials.

Questions regarding this notice may be directed to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office at or 609-421-6100.

/s/ Glenn A. Grant,

Administrative Director of the Courts

September 29, 2022

Notice – User Access Role in eCourts for Attorneys’ Staff Expanded to eCourts Family – as signed – 09-29-22


Early Disposition Court (EDC) is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Bergen County.  During the pandemic, we have continued to make this pre-indictment court a priority and carved out new protocols to effectuate case dispositions in a virtual manner.  With the elimination of social distancing, it has been determined that a return to in-person proceedings is now warranted.  Effective OCTOBER 3, 2022, all appearances from stakeholders and litigants will be required to be in person for both sessions (Tuesdays and Thursdays).

EDC Supplemental Information

This is a supplement and modification to the previously submitted announcement regarding EDC.  Effective 10/3/2022, ALL defendants, including those that are detained in the Bergen County Jail, will be present for their court appearances in EDC on Tuesdays and Thursdays.