As of November 1, 2022, the standard hourly fee in guardianship matters for court appointed counsel shall increase to $275.00 per hour.

In matters in which individuals have greater financial resources, Chancery Judges shall consider augmenting that hourly amount.

For those individuals who have contributed their time and energies at a reduced rate, your efforts and generosity are recognized and appreciated.

/s/ Hon. Bonnie J. Mizdol, A.J.S.C.
Dated: October 21, 2022

Notice to the Bar – Guardianship Matters

The Judiciary in October 2021 announced the creation of a new eCourts user access role for attorneys’ staff using an independent user ID; see the October 1, 2021 Notice. Initially limited to Criminal eCourts, this user access role for attorneys’ staff was expanded in March 2022 to also include eCourts for Civil Law, General Equity, Special Civil Part, and Tax Court, as well as the eCourts Expungement System; see the March 24, 2022 Notice. This notice is to advise that this user access role for attorneys’ staff is being further expanded to eCourts Family effective September 30, 2022.

To acquire this user access, attorneys’ staff must first register via the Judiciary website at the self-registration portal. Once registered, the attorneys’ staff person must provide that new user ID to the attorney so that the attorney can associate the staff person’s account to the attorney’s bar ID. Once that has been done, the attorneys’ staff may electronically file documents, view the case jacket, and save and print documents using their user access without the need to use the attorney’s credentials.

Questions regarding this notice may be directed to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office at or 609-421-6100.

/s/ Glenn A. Grant,

Administrative Director of the Courts

September 29, 2022

Notice – User Access Role in eCourts for Attorneys’ Staff Expanded to eCourts Family – as signed – 09-29-22



Effective September 6, 2022, the Judicial assignments are as follows:

Dissolution (FM) Motions and Trials/ Post-Judgment – Motions and Plenary Hearings

Pre- Post-
Docket Nos. JUDGE Docket Nos.
01-25 Peter J. Melchionne, P.J.F.P. 01-05 Peter J. Melchionne, P.J.F.P.
26-55 James J. Guida, J.S.C. 06-10 James J. Guida, J.S.C.
56-70 Jane Gallina-Mecca, J.S.C. 11-15 Darren T. DiBiasi, J.S.C.
71-00 Darren T. DiBiasi, J.S.C. 16-25 Jane Gallina-Mecca, J.S.C.
26-40 Magali M. Francois, J.S.C.
41-55 Jaclyn Medina, J.S.C.
56-70 Mark T. Janeczko, J.S.C.
71-85 Nina C. Remson, J.S.C.
86-00 Michael Antoniewicz, J.S.C.

In addition, the Judges will hear the following matters:

Judge Francois (Room 152) Juvenile; Children in Court, Domestic Violence and Special Immigrant Juvenile matters Judge Janeczko (Room 108) Domestic Violence; Weapons Forfeiture
Judge Mecca (Room 336) Children in Court
Judge Medina (Room 338) Non-Dissolution and Special Immigrant Juvenile matters Judge Remson (Room 354) Non-Dissolution; Contempt
Judge Antoniewicz (Room 317) Domestic Violence; Children in Court Judge Mizdol, AJ (Room 426) Children in Court FC Summary Hearings

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Bergen County Bar Association
Co-Chair, Family Law Committee

On December 10, 2021, Judge Melchionne agreed to meet with me and to provide an update of certain information important to the Family Part and the practicing Bar.

First appearances continue to be conducted via Zoom platform. However, all other proceedings are now being conducted “live” in the courthouse. The change from “Zoom” proceedings was in part a reaction to litigants participating in online, video proceedings while in a car, in a bathroom, and in a coffee shop!

To deal with the domestic violence backlog, in addition to Judge Antoniewicz and Judge Janeczko regularly assigned to FV, Judge Francois has a domestic violence additional assignment one day per week. The FM Judges were enlisted to assist by covering FV calendars as needed and maintaining the cases they are assigned. Read More

In light of the current COVID-19 surge and consistent with COVID-19 public health recommendations, the Judiciary will reduce on-site presence of judges and staff for the first two weeks of January 2022. As we monitor and assess the changing COVID-19 conditions, we currently plan to resume regular on-site presence as of Monday, January 17, 2022.

During this period, notwithstanding the reduced on-site presence, all state court locations will continue to be fully open to the public and all judicial operations will continue uninterrupted. State court judges and court staff will support all essential functions and conduct emergent matters. In-person trials already in progress may continue. Virtual jury selection and virtual trials will continue but jurors will not report in-person for new trials until after January 17. Certain in-person court events will also proceed as scheduled. The Presiding Judge for Administration of the Appellate Division, Vicinage Assignment Judges, and the Presiding Judge of the Tax Court will provide judges with more detailed guidance as to ongoing and scheduled in-person court events during this time.

Managers will provide further direction regarding work requirements, including as to employee requirements to report on-site to court locations during this time.

Everyone is reminded of the importance of following the masking and social distancing requirements when working in on-site locations. Care should also be taken when working remotely and outside of work.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week issued revised isolation and quarantine recommendations. In light of those recommendations, the Judiciary is in the process of revising certain COVID-19 policies so as to reduce the time for exclusion from work of employees who have tested positive, been diagnosed, developed symptoms, or have been exposed to the virus. Further details will be provided.

Chief Justice Stuart Rabner

Administrative Director Glenn A. Grant


On October 4, 2021, the Bergen Family Division will continue with a gradual expansion of scheduled in-person events for Domestic Violence Cases. First appearances will continue on a remote basis, thereafter, all subsequent scheduled hearings will be conducted on-site and in-person. Parties wishing to dismiss their matter in advance of a scheduled hearing may contact the Domestic Violence Unit to request a remote hearing. Attorneys and litigants with concerns or considerations are directed to contact the respective Judge handling the matter. Read More

By Bruce E. Chase, Esq.,                                                                                                                                                    Co-Chair, Family Law Committee

All of us have had to provide our medical history to our doctors.  Amongst the questions, “Do you smoke?  Do you drink?  If so, how much/how often?  What do you drink?”  Next comes the question that leads to this short article, “Do you use recreational drugs/substances?”  Should this same question now become an essential part of our divorce, custody and parenting time initial consultation?

As you will soon come to know, the answer is a resounding YES!

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State Court Locations Fully Open as of August 2, 2021

All state court locations will reopen to the public as of August 2, 2021, thus concluding the temporary restrictions on public access to the courthouses implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of that August 2, 2021 date, individuals may be present in court locations regardless of their involvement in a scheduled court proceeding and without the need for an appointment.

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